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Q Art Space is an online art platform established by Ebru Dede to contribute to art in Turkey, where mostly solo exhibitions will be held and art texts will be published. The exhibition is open to different disciplines that can be shown as 2D images and video art. It is important that original and creative works are submitted in the right format for exhibition. Works with different interpretations of form and/or questioning about life will be exhibited primarily. Group exhibitions will be accepted if they are organized by the group members among themselves and presented in the required format.

Q Art Space Türkiye'de sanata katkı sağlamak amacıyla Ebru Dede tarafından kurulan, çoğunlukla kişisel sergilerin yapılacağı ve sanat metinlerinin yayınlanacağı online bir sanat platformudur. Sergi 2B görsel veya video olarak gösterilebilecek türdeki sanat disiplinlerine açıktır. Özgün ve yaratıcı eserlerin sergiye hazır formatta gönderilmesi önemlidir. Farklı biçimsel yorumları olan ve/veya hayata dair bir sorgulaması olan eserler öncelikli olarak sergilenecektir. Grup sergiler, grup üyeleri tarafından kendi aralarında organize edilerek istenilen formatta sunulduğu takdirde kabul edilecektir.

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It is aimed to announce the art activities in Turkey in the international art environment. You can apply for the publication of your short essays on contemporary art, your exhibition news and interviews. You are kindly requested to send your texts in Word format and your images in jpeg/png format associated with the texts 7 days before the date you request to be published. The platform, which was opened with an individual initiative, will grow with your contributions and become a wider art space in the future. In this direction, it will always be open to the opinions and suggestions of young talents as well as artists and art historians who have experience in every field of art.

Türkiye'deki sanat faaliyetlerinin uluslararası sanat ortamında duyurulması amaçlanmaktadır. Çağdaş sanat hakkında kısa deneme yazılarınızın, başka platformlarda gerçekleştirdiğiniz sergi haberlerinizin ve röportajlarınızın yayınlanması için başvurabilirsiniz. Word formatındaki metinlerinizi ve metinlerle ilişkili jpeg/png formatlı görsellerinizi yayınlanmasını talep ettiğiniz tarihten 7 gün önce göndermeniz rica olunur. Bireysel bir girişimle açılan platform, ileride katkılarınızla büyüyerek daha geniş bir sanat alanı olacaktır. Bu doğrultuda, sanatın her alanında tecrübeleri olan sanatçılar ve sanat tarihçiler olduğu kadar genç yeteneklerin de görüş ve önerilerine her zaman açık olacaktır.

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Graduated with the first honours degree from the Marmara University’s Department of Painting in 2008. She studied at Accademia di Belle Arti L’Aquila Italy through Erasmus in 2007. She received her master's degree in Museum Management from Istanbul University in 2012. She completed her PhD thesis in 2018, at Yildiz Technical University in Art and Design Program. Since 2007 she has attended many national and international exhibitions as well as symposiums, art fairs and artist residency programs with her paintings, mixed media works, digital art, anime art and video art projects. Her works of art are within the scope of figurative art. Her research interests are subject, identity and posthumanism.

She has been teaching at Maltepe University's Visual Communication Department since 2019 after giving lectures about graphic design, photography and animation in Kadir Has University for 10 years. She received the title of Associate Professor from UAK in 2022. She continues to work for upcoming exhibitions and her academic studies on contemporary art.